Thursday, January 14, 2010

To finish the day up

Went back in at 5pm...
Rowed 250 m

then did Barbara lite- with kipping and boy pushups I tried to NOT let my inner voice get me, and Amy I actually talked out loud this time!! I was like, just 5 more pullups, whats 5!

So I can string about 6 together, and then watching everyone else I think I am rushing them and thats why after that I am screwed. But I ended up being decently happy with pulling it off (no pun intended)
Pushups, def. just need to work on strength , could get about 7 then broke them up!!
Situps and squats saved me
4:54-5:24-5:18 I am happy I was consistent.

Then did a Jerk progression with Alison- 1 strict press, 3 push press, 5 jerks (non split) at 55-60-65- it was fun! liked that one

Then we did a "buy out" 3 split jerks - I did 85#, I got to work on pushing my knee through and making the bar split me. But I was happy that the arms went up and I didnt press it.
I also worked on double unders for a little, was able to string 8 together a few times...once again I just have to learn NOT to rush it, I lose form and thats when it hits me.
ok, off to finish dinner. I know I need to start postingn what I eat, I may just write it down cause my blogs get too long!


  1. So sad I missed the pep-talking!! Proud of you though... way to use the power of positive thinking. The band is truly a distant memory for you now, Lady! Can't wait to say the same.

  2. Awesome work Mandie! And don't worry about the talking aloud - I definitely talk to myself during hard wods, and I am totally okay with it. I talk myself through how many I have left when I have to, and I curse the coaches when the wod is so tough I want to scream. I also give dirty looks and sometimes yell at people. Whatever gets you through it!!
