Thursday, January 14, 2010

You know you are addicted when....

A funny thing happened when I was reading my work email today, I saw an email marked "Performance Evaluation"- and the first thing that popped into my head is why is Crossfit using my work email, and how does it know to remind me that I haven't posted in a while. When I gave it a second thought I realized it was my evaluation goals I should be working on as a nurse practitioner, BUT I decided to still focus on this first. (Actually I deleted the performance eval email.)

The Crossfit total was definitely a PR for me, but since the last one was a year ago, it was very hard to compare. I was very excited my squat came back to 145- lost that for a little, my press sucked at 72, but even more exciting was my deadlift with a 40# PR at 215- and I am excited to do those again SOON!!
Its funny because I use to love metcons and hate strength days, and that has suddenly flipped. The idea of having to push yourself to no end and learning to get over that mental hump has become a very anxiety provoking feeling. I am nauseous all day when I think about metcons. I am so worked up before the metcon, I think I am losing gas there!

So the next night was the 2k row - which stirred up quite a bit of angst in me. I think that messed with form cause for the life of me I couldn't get my back to straighten to give me the pulls I wanted. I did work at pushing through the heels though, that felt good. I had a 15 sec. PR for me, and I know I am suppose to be excited, I was aiming a little lower but oh well. 8:44
I then worked on 5x max kipping- 6-6-4-6-5- bad excuse but I really hurt my trap the night before screwing around with butterfly, so this was not a good thing at all.
Oh and Erin C and I were having some "fun" with 20# wall ball, 3 sets of 10, thanks to Amy H. wonderful moves and results with this!! I am only getting to above the black line, But I am getting them unbroken and catching right so thats good, now I have to throw the crap out of it!

I took a much needed rest day from everything after work yesterday.

Today I took a much needed rest day FROM work which feels GREAT! Alison and I did 1000m row for part of our warm up- 4:15.2- felt a little better. Then we worked on Snatches-
65%-75%-85% of our 1 RPM (45-50-56#)
We did 3 from the hang position, then 3 from the floor , then 10 OHS, then took a 3 minute rest and moved to the next weight.
Next we did- 10 power cleans, 10 burpees, 3 rounds for time. I REALLY worked on shutting up and changing my inner voice. If it started to talk negative I talked back and said, NO I can do it so shut up!! (dont worry i didnt do this outloud although I might start!) and it helped. 85# cleans- time 6:02

So this has been my week so far...Thanks Alison for some really great workouts!

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome, Mandie. I thought about going in for a row and snatch work tonight...what a great idea on the progressions.

    ...and yea for breaks! So important.

    Keep up the self talk...I'm working on that one too. I personally think it would be super entertaining if you said it outloud! ; )
